June 11, 2016

Identity Guard Vs Lifelock: Which Identity Protection Service is Better?

Imagine applying for a credit loan and finding out that you have a really bad credit score, even though you have been paying all of your bills on time for years. Then you check your credit report and realize that your identity has been stolen. You’re now hundreds of dollars in debt and you didn’t […]

What is the Lifelock Ultimate All About?

Lifelock has been in the identity theft protection business for longer than anyone else out there, but other services have tried to move in on Lifelock’s turf. And until recently, Lifelock has really sort of been old news. Well that has all changed with Lifelock Ultimate. The company has always said they are more than just a […]

How Does Lifelock Protect Children and Family Members?

Children do not have credit scores and most parents don’t even think to check if accounts have been opened in their child’s name, and that’s what makes them a prime target for identity thieves and why you need some kind of identity protection for each child. So what does Lifelock DO to protect children from […]

How Lifelock Helps Restore Your Identity After It’s Stolen

Many people ask the question, “Can Lifelock really restore my identity?”  Let’s take a closer look at what the company actually does for victims of ID theft. No matter what anyone tells you, there is NO identity theft protection service that can keep you 100% safe from ID theft.  And while some companies are better […]