October 21, 2016

Identity Theft from Your Car

car identity theftIdentity theft is a growing issue all over the world. As technology evolves, access to your personal information is more available now than ever. What many people are overlooking is the availability of your information without the use of technology. While many are taking steps to protect their bank accounts, mobile phones, computers, and tablets, they are also leaving one of the most commonly used sources of identity theft unlocked; their cars. Identity theft from your car is a very real method thieves are utilizing. Here are tips to decrease the chances of having your identity stolen from the one place many tend to forget about.

Lock It Up!

Even with car theft one of the nation's largest issues, many drivers don't lock their cars. Even with technology that automatically locks the car, remote key fobs, and keyless entry, your car may not lock properly. When you leave your vehicle, be sure your car is properly locked. Check each door and hatch before leaving it unattended.

Don't leave personal information:

When you go through the bank drive thru, a toll booth, or even a fast food drive thru, it is habit to through your credit cards, identification, bank statements and money into your center console or glove box. Though this seems like a safe place, many thieves are counting on your habit to give them a good payday. Take the time to properly put your identification, bank cards, and money in your wallet or purse.

The Trunk is Not Safe:

Many people are guilty of leaving their purses, wallets, laptops or other valuables in the trunk of their cars if they are going into a building for a long period of time. This is especially true with women who are going out to the clubs for the night. Not only is the trunk one of the many places a thief looks after breaking into your car, but you also offer the possibility of a thief seeing you place your items in the trunk. If you plan to go out for the night, leave any valuables at home that you don't plan to carry with you.

Use Secure Parking Garages:

If you are in doubt of your car's safety, look for secure parking. In most cities there are secure parking garages with video surveillance available. Even with the hourly rate for parking, the overall cost is much less than having your identity and money stolen. These garages can offer you piece of mind and secure your car and its contents better than parking on the street.

Identity theft is a growing issue that not only ruins your credit, empties your bank accounts but may also damage your car. Take precautions to keep sensitive information out of sight, out of your car, and out of the wrong hands.

Sandy Landsford is an accountant and content writer for carinsurance.org.uk, a site where you can get a quote for cheap car insurance that offers the protection you need!

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